Not so long ago, had to hear from the person involved in the repair of his new apartment: "A rationale for a design for the bedrooms. I only sleep there, and I am enough so that it stood comfortable bed." Naturally, I did not agree with him and tried to explain just what points should be taken into account when designing the interior bedrooms.
Most important - if you really want to live in a comfortable and stylish home, the design bedrooms should be resolved in the same vein as in the entire apartment. Mixing elements of different historical styles in the same house can be felicitous only in the case where there is a result in a single and unique style. So when choosing a style decision bedrooms should be remembered that - it is part of your home rather than a separate room that has no relationship to the rest of room.
If your house are many rooms, it is necessary to take into consideration several factors when choosing the room, which will become a bedroom. First, it should be as far from the most noisy places - kitchen, dining room and living room. If you are going to settle in the two-mansion, the better to make a bedroom on the second floor, as a rule, the first floor is always more crude, and there is a majority of the common facilities and service appointments: hallway, kitchen, closet and подсобки.
The most important design bedrooms for you:
- colors for
- furniture placement
- lighting
- planning room
- accessories and parts
- originality
- another
Very important, which will go bedroom window. Here it is important to take into account your personal inclination. If you "lark" then choose appropriate for the bedroom with windows on the east: then you will enjoy the rays of the rising sun. If you "owl", the windows should go to the west. Then the sun will not be able to force you to stand "is not light - not dawn, and the morning will be in the shadow of the bedroom.
The size of bedrooms is determined only by your personal preferences: want - choose a small room, and want - the most spacious in the apartment. The main thing is that in a bedroom conveniently accommodated all necessary. That is, if you want to sleep in this room only and do not intend to put a lot of furniture in it, it was logical to choose for a small room bedrooms. But if the size of the apartment permit, it is better if the bedroom will be assigned a spacious room.
In this case, the place of a bedroom for sleeping can be a place for the full rest. It can accommodate, and in this case, and the bar, and a small library with a book cupboard, a coffee table and two soft comfortable chairs, read before bedtime because it is still better than sitting and not lying. If the size of the apartment is not allowed to withdraw a separate room under the gym, the simulators can also take one of the corners of bedrooms. If you sleep helps to quiet music, it is appropriate to be in a small bedroom stereo system. A morning will help you make the charging vigorous, rhythmic music. Here are just put a TV in the bedroom is not: its radiation is harmful to health, so it is better to stand in the room where you spend less time lying down and watch TV, too bad.
Each of the zones spacious bedrooms better multifunctional clear. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to put the inside walls or rooms in each zone pressing its kind floor, walls, too, should not be coloured. Outline each zone can be layered through the ceiling and lighting. In a mini-library ceiling could be slightly lower than in the rest room, and also in the bar, and in the sports corner, on the contrary, it is better to raise higher. Above the chair or coffee table will place appropriate lighting, and in the bar lights can be lit in the wall locker.
From the size of bedrooms and size depends furniture, which you will put into it. Agree - protiskivatsya not comfortable in a small bedroom of a king-size bed and cumbersome platyanym cupboard. And in a spacious bedroom miniature furniture may simply become almost imperceptible, and create the feeling of an empty comfortless rooms.
A key component of the interior bedrooms certainly bed. The first step is to choose a place for it. If the bedroom is designed for one person, the bed can be placed sideways and the wall, but if a double bed, then it must be put to the wall bed-head, as well - that it could come from two sides and should have been talking not through a friend or a friend's rising hurting. In any case, it must be put closer to the window: a pleasure because, prosnuvshis, see the sky and landscape outside the window and not a wall opposite.
To what will be the bed depends on the overall style of decision apartment. The apartment classical style bed can be wooden, with carved ornaments on the back, down and covered embroidered bedspread. The modern interior may come in the form of a simple bed rectangle made of modern materials. In one of my friend's apartment, uvlekayuschegosya contemporary trends in art, I really liked the bed, as if crashed in the air. This was achieved through high and thin legs, located deep under the bed.
Because the bed - it is a subject that attracts attention in a bedroom in the first place, it is worth thinking about how to decorate the wall above it. It is for sure - it should not bow so commonplace in many apartments carpet factories manufacturing. This element of the decor does not fit in any style solution. For the "classic" may come interior painting reproductions someone from the past or celebrated artists carved panels of wood. For style "high-tech" - an abstract painting with the smooth lines. This is only possible examples - professional designer always choose your sole and unique solution interior of your bedroom.
Another important detail: in the face of the city will be totally worth if you set in a bedroom air conditioner, or otherwise climate system. Arrange conditioner, it is better for the bed-head bed. Not necessarily directly over your head, you can just right or the left, so that at the time he was sleeping over their heads. In any other location, you get the risk of chronic colds.
There is a need and say a few words about the color presentation bedrooms. Here, too, a lot depends on your individual preferences. Somebody better leisure in the bright room, someone - in the dark walls, which create a feeling of the shadow of. Remember only that the dark colors visually narrow space, so they are not very desirable in a small bedroom, but in the spacious room are more than appropriate. Designers, by the way, in most cases, recommend the use of dark tones in the bedroom, and this is one more argument in favor of choice for a spacious room.
In the bedroom it is possible to use yellow - the color of joy, can be green - calming, if you like to sleep or read think fit and blue - it is believed that it stimulates intellectual activity. Index - Avoid sharp and bright tones. Walls must reassure bedrooms.
Sex in the bedroom best to implement natural wood. Ideal parquet or wooden board: they "breathe". Can postelit and carpet, as well as a pleasure to walk on it bare feet, but it requires careful and frequent care: you are unlikely to want to sleep in a dusty room, and make it from synthetic materials. Better put on the parquet rug from natural wool or small mats near the bed and between the bed and platyanym cupboard.
To make better use of cotton wall covering. They recently appeared in the range of finishing materials, but won strong sympathy secured apartment owners. They are as strong and flexible polymeric and "breathe" as emulsion. In addition, they allow the surface of the wall to give a wide range of invoice.
Significantly, however, the ceiling will look like bedrooms. If lying on the bed, you do not want to contemplate a flat white surface, you can ask a designer to enter something Untraditional. This may be typical of past styles and stucco, even art paintings. The modern interior may come with multilevel ceiling bizarre curved lines. It is important that it fits harmoniously into the overall style bedrooms. Remember only that the suspended ceilings greatly reduce the height of the room, so they should not be used indoors from an already low ceilings. For any bedrooms will be very good tensioning ceiling. It can be not only flat, but curved, and even - wavy, and reduce the height of the room, on average, by 3 cm.
For bedrooms and the lighting is very important decision. To maximize it was open to natural light, is not available near a window wardrobe, it is better to pick up a seat in the corner or niche. And the hold, on the contrary, it is better to place near the window.
Electrical lighting bedrooms should be multifunctional and diverse. Overall light should be bright enough, but nerezkim. This can be achieved through opaque canopy at the chandeliers, and you can cancel any of chandeliers and lamps placed on the walls, so that the light reflected from the ceiling if the ceiling is painted with a light blue in color, then there is an illusion of the sky over their heads. Luminaries reflected light well placed at the interface level, and the suspended ceiling. Overall light should not always be as bright, so the switch should be a relay, allowing smoothly adjust the brightness of light.
And the choice should be made for local coverage. One lamp shall be located next to the bed, so that, the night itself, you do not have to plod in the darkness of switches in the opposite end of the room. It would be very nice if you put the switch pass to include light entering the room, and switch off already lying on the bed. The same lamp can be used, reading before bedtime. If the bedroom is for two, then such luminaries, naturally, should be two. Individual coverage in a bedroom for two people must be at the cabinet platyanogo that, pereodevayas, you will not have a shining light of another person. Luminaries near a dressing table holds, or may not be very bright, but the light from them is to be directed and sharp: theatre actor, grimiruyas enjoy light bare light bulbs, as well as with a sharp light of all the details clearly visible person.
I have listed only general points that should be taken into account, thinking of registering bedrooms. In order to achieve maximum harmony and comfort, I would advise to appeal to the professional designer. Then you need only to list him their wishes - he will develop several options for you to a possible solution of interior, and you choose the most liked.